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Comprehensive Psychotherapeutic Services for Adolescents and Adults


at Seaside Psychological


Individual Therapy


Individual sessions (45-minute sessions) are offered on a weekly basis. After some progress has been made, sessions may decrease in frequency, such as to every other week.

Group Therapy


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Social skills Group

Parent Management Group


Groups are offered and available at varying times throughout the year.  Please inquire to see if a group is available or if a new group may be starting in the near future.  

Additional Services



Educational Consultation Assistance through the PPT school   process

Executive Functioning Coaching

Diagnostic Evaluations


Dialectical Behavior Therapy


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a compassionate, evidence-based type of cognitive behavioral treatment for individuals who have significant difficulty regulating their emotions and behaviors. DBT was developed by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., as a treatment for suicidal and self-injurious individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Individuals with BPD are extremely sensitive and react strongly to their emotions, often leading to actions such as self-injury, angry outbursts, or abruptly ending important relationships. While these actions can temporarily reduce emotional pain, they often wind up causing other problems that can make life even more difficult. Many international research studies have demonstrated that DBT is an effective treatment for multi-problem individuals. Both the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association consider DBT to be a gold-standard treatment for BPD.

As a result of DBT’s success,  it has been adapted and proven effective for use with suicidal and self-injurious, multi-problem adolescents and their families, those with eating disorders, substance use, and anger management problems.


What is DBT?  Briefly, DBT blends behavior therapy (change orientation) with validation (acceptance orientation) strategies. Through DBT, we all learn that we are doing the best we can AND at the same time, we need to learn other ways to manage our problems more effectively. Learning how to think and act dialectically helps individuals achieve a more balanced lifestyle, which ultimately helps people build a life that feels more meaningful and worth living. Distress, emotional pain, interpersonal difficulties, and behavioral problems such as over-eating, under-eating, using substances, self-injuring, losing emotional and behavioral control, socially withdrawing, can make it very difficult to function normally and lead a life that feels meaningful and worthwhile. DBT targets the issues that cause distress and teaches skills to deal with them without having to resort to behaviors that worsen a situation.


Clients at Seaside Psychological, LLC participate in three modalities of treatment: 1. individual therapy (one to two times per week for 45-50 minute sessions), 2. skills training groups (once weekly for 75-90 minutes), and 3. telephone coaching, as needed. Clients will learn new, highly effective skills in group each week in order to move closer to their life goals. Individual therapy focuses on helping the people apply those skills to their daily experiences. Clients are encouraged to call their individual therapists for skills coaching when urges arise to engage in problematic or high-risk behaviors.

Family Therapy


Family sessions (45-minute sessions) are offered on an as-needed basis to improve communication and address relationship issues.





Seaside Psychological


I'm Dr. Christine Dauser, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years of experience. I believe individuals have the capacity to use their unique strengths and talents to overcome any obstacles in their lives.  I am trained and have expertise in providing individual, family, and group therapies, across all ages, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TFCBT).  When working with adolescents, I believe it is necessary for parents to be an integral partner in the therapeutic process for therapy to be most effective.  I routinely collaborate with other providers, schools, and physicians, whether I am working with adults or young people, because I feel holistic treatment that takes into account all aspects of you as a person will achieve the best results.  I am experienced in treating a variety of behavioral health issues including, anxiety, depression, self-harming behaviors, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Autism, family-related and social difficulties, and interpersonal problems.


I completed my doctorate in clinical psychology with specific training in working with children, adolescents, adults, and families.  I was the Director of the Yale Child Study Center Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic for Children.  While at Yale, I oversaw all aspects of a large outpatient clinic and training of a multidisciplinary fellowship program within the clinic, including Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists and Pre and Post-Doctoral Psychology fellows.  I developed comprehensive risk assessment tools and expanded clinical services to a School Based Health Center and co-location program within a pediatric practice.  I live in Connecticut with my husband and two teenage children.

Please Keep in Touch

15 Meigs Avenue

Suite 208

Madison, CT  06443


Tel:  203-530-3392

Our Address

9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


And by Appointment

Available Appointment Times

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